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Showing posts from May, 2017

How Technology is Changing the Restaurant Business - An analysis by Yusuf Dhanani

By Yusuf Razak Dhanani : Before technology became a part of restaurants, guests would come to a restaurant, sit wherever there was a free table, order food, the waiter would take down the order on a notepad, serve food, guest would eat, pay and leave.  But now, with technology, the guest's experience is as completely changed as that of chefs, servers and owners, due to a change in technology in the kitchen. Now, with modern kitchen display screens and staffing technology, you can get data-centric insights into what's working well for your restaurant and what's not. This is where technology is making its big impact in the restaurant industry--how guests dine and what pleases them and what doesn't. 

Should you invest in the real estate in tier-2 cities? Yusuf Dhanani Answers

By Yusuf Razak Dhanani : We have a craze for owning a house. The house would generate income if rented, would save on rents if lived in and would also multiply if held for a long time. Investment in real estate had seen some stagnation in the past few years. But the trend has shifted to the tier-2 cities. Tier -2 cities are the non-cosmopolitan cities. These cities have scope for growth and development. With the big IT companies having their offices and branches in these cities, the migration to the tier -1 cities has been controlled. This has resulted in the real estate business in these cities having good opportunities.

All about India's Smart City project- By Yusuf Dhanani

By  Yusuf Razak Dhanani :  In 2015, the Government of India under Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Smart Cities Mission. This is a program that aims at driving economic growth and improving the quality of life of people by harnessing technology and developing the area so that citizens of these areas can lead better lives. For this, 100 Indian cities have been targeted which would be sustainable and citizen-friendly. The Government's vision includes developing these 100 cities as satellite towns of already large cities by modernizing them into independent mid-sized cities. The Union Ministry of Urban Development is responsible for implementing this program in collaboration with the various state governments.

Future of Indian hotel industry - An analysis by Yusuf Dhanani

By Yusuf Razak Dhanani :  In recent years the Indian Tourism and Hospitality sectors have become one of the most notable contributors of the country’s economy. However, the tourism and the hospitality sector can be categorized into two broad sections. One is the tourism sector per se and the other is the hotel industry. As far as hotels are concerned, there are hotels of different kinds and categories. For example, there are the business hotels, the resorts, the airport hotels, and the suite kind of hotels, casino hotels, apartment hotels, extended stay hotels, timeshare hotels, the convention and the conference centers. So the question here is with so many options available in the hotel industry, what is the future of the hotel industry in the years to come.